Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Skinny on The Spirit of ?NetworthLessness? | Networking ...

Susan RoAne, Guest Author Submitted by Larry James

?Networthless?, an amalgam word, was featured in a recent Sprit Magazine?s Business Dictionary . It was created from network, net worth and worthless and, I?ll admit, is clever in a wordsmithy way. Thanks to author and speaker, Joanne Black, for bringing it to my attention.

Nails on a Networking Chalkboard As I read the definitions and ?usage? I could hear and feel nails scraping on a chalk board. The definitions: 1. Lacking in networking value 2. A term used to describe a conversation at a convention or conference that yields no career benefit. Really??? The spirit and concept of ?you never know? networking/serendipity/chance encounters play an important role in professional and personal endeavors. Who among us has not had an chance encounter and what seemed to be a casual conversation, yield an unexpected reward?

Pejoratively Speaking The example of usage was even more irksome to this lifelong connector and networker who wrote one of the classics: The Secrets of Savvy Networking. ?Skillful opportunists avoid networthless encounters??

For those who doubt the rewards of casual, even irrelevant conversation, watch The Big Kahuna with Kevin Spacey and Danny DeVito. Read complete article??????.

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