Friday, April 6, 2012

Clear Skin: The Natural Guide


Adult acne gives a rude awakening for many people. We used to think acne as a teenage disease, and something we don't have to be bothered once we pass to adulthood. With recent emergent in the adult population acne proved us wrong. Given that you can never know when, where or how acne erupts, your only change is to be prepared. In this article we'll look at a few natural ways to prepare and mitigate the inevitable acne breakouts.


Keep it clean


This basic advice bears repeating. Clear skin is clean skin. Regularly cleaning the skin is one of the best ways to prevent and mitigate acne breakouts. Cleaning the skin also makes breakouts less severe and helps them to heal faster.


Have some spot treatment at hand


If you have acne prone skin there may be nothing you can do to completely prevent acne. Sooner or later a pimple will pop up. In those times it's a good idea to have a spot treatment at hand. If you can catch a pimple just as it's forming you can significantly reduce its lifespan. Untreated a pimple can take a week to clear, but with time intervention you can get rid of it in a few days.


The most popular options are heat devices, spot creams and lamps with focused light. Consult your local pharmacy for more information.


Don't let it get to you


This is easier said than done as acne makes most people extremely self-conscious. In times like that it's a good idea to keep in mind that you yourself as your worst critic. You see your acne as much more severe than other people do. Most people are way too busy with their own lives to much care about your acne.


This is not just semantics, because the stress acne causes can and often will perpetuate it. It's a vicious cycle. Acne causes stress than causes more acne. You should take any available measure to break off this cycle, as it can be very destructive to your self-esteem and social life.?


Wearing some makeup (even for guys) can be an effective first aid. Concealing your acne beneath the makeup gives you some breathing space and possibly takes the edge off the situation.?


Meditation is another good solution. It reduces stress and helps you to become more aware of the ways your beat down yourself. As you become aware of what you say to yourself you can see the absurdity of the situation. The critic that stresses you relies on stealth and that you aren't aware of what it says. Meditation is like shining light on it.


Don't pop


This is another basic but important advice. Popping the pimples can lead to further breakouts, and, in worst cases, to lifelong scarring. So keep your hands off.


One thing to keep in mind is that acne is natural, and that everybody has to deal with it at some point of their life. It's not a reflection of you, and therefore nothing to be ashamed of. Keeping this in mind and applying the tips in this article should make life with acne much easier.

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