Thursday, February 2, 2012

Science Online 2012: The Music Video

Many of you will have seen the massive internet coverage of the Science Online conference over the past few weeks. The event is one of the year?s highlights for those of us interested in science communication. If you?ve spent time reading some of the posts about it you will have realized the enormous impact that this event has on attendees. For me, it?s my yearly chance to hang out with my 400 or so best friends ? coming from a fairly small Canadian city where most folks don?t relate to what I spend my ?work time? doing. To put it rather crudely, Science Online peeps get me. I have never felt as completely enamored with a group of people in my life.

This video is a personal reflection of my experience of Science Online 2012. As an ex-dancer I tend to find the choreography and music in whatever it is that I?m working on. In this case the perfect music was Pink?s ?Raise Your Glass?, not only because in a very literal sense it reflects how a good number of us spend our evenings, but also because the song is about celebrating the underdog in all of us ? the quirky, the nerdy, the geeky. The choreography didn?t really work out as well as I had hoped, but I pieced the video together with what I had.

The result? This glorious little production is the best explanation I can give for what Science Online means to me. A little dance, a little silliness, and a whole lot of amazing people to share it with. I hope you enjoy :)

I?d like to thank my friend Michael Taylor for his amazing sound remixing and vocals, also Mindy Weisberger, Brian and Dawn Crawford, and Maggie Pingolt for the use of their photos.

Lastly, I would like to thank Bora, Karyn and Anton for their tireless efforts to put the whole thing together. I hope you have an understanding of how much your efforts mean to so many.


jeremy london jeremy london butterball turkey fryer butterball turkey fryer yale harvard dan henderson oregon ducks

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